Change Management Training

Change Management Training

Change is one of the biggest issues in business. How to positively manage change, build support and reduce resistance is crucial to every organization. Change Management Training is all about pro-actively building the case for required changes within the organization. A well management change process will lead to a successful transformation at a fraction of the cost normally spend on reactive change measures. Change Management Training is all about having a clear and manageable process required to assist individuals to accept change and manage their resistance to change as well as the overall organizational change processes. The awareness of ones own behavior and habits when confronted with change are general requirements to help others to accept change positively. Refreshing communication basics and generating self-awareness is the first step to applying new skills and manage change successfully.

A Practical Approach
Our change management training is a very practical and hands-on workshop. It involves pre-course elements through a questionaire, which allows us to deliver content which is on-target for all delegates. Our workshops are full of practical hands-on activities, examples, discussions and scenarios. We deliver a change management training workshop, which is applied to your organization. A specific change history review, internal change expectations overview and a look at the traditional elements of change management within the organization is makes this workshop relevant to your organization.

Before the Workshop
The pre-workshop questionnaire creates awareness of current change management gaps within the organization. The results of the questionnaire are used within the workshop to make the case for change relevant. Pre-course reading is required which ensures that delegates are engaged, informed and ready to apply and practise new change management techniques during the workshop. Overall change management processes are discussed and thinking is encouraged in small group exercises using scenarios, case studies and techniques to achieve positive change management outcomes.

Practical Workshop 
The workshop is full off hands-on exercises. An extensive change management simulation challenge ensures participants explore change management models and tools like PROSCI's change management strategies and their role in the process. This also uncovers practical implications for managers, their responsibilities, skills, habits and organizational behavior before, during and after major change initiatives. Post simulation discussions will include change leadership discussions, change behavior management tools, best practice methods and benchmarking tools to measure how to assist with creating and organizational culture which sees change as a positive process as well as common pitfalls of change management initiatives, a review of examples, and essential elements required in any change management management process. 

Consolidation and Implementation
Our unique iIMPACT™ methodology ensures that delegates apply the new techniques and knowledge as part of a work based change management project. Delegates are challenged to deliver a change management project which ensures direct results and return on training investment back to the organization. Project progress is discussed with delegates as part of our on-line and face-to-face iIMPACT™ coaching follow-up process. 

The change management workshop is fun, highly interactive and provides practical techniques and methods that everyone who deals with change can use back in the office. Our iIMPACT™ methodology guarantees that you benefit fully from the newly acquired techniques, skills and knowledge.

If you want to know more, please download Innesskirk company profile. To find out more about our range of workshops download the Innesskirk workshop catalog. or look at the A-Z Course library, to book a course or to discuss your training needs further contact one of our offices or send us an email.