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Our clients look to us for the expertise and ability to implement the ideas we present. Simply put, we provide our clients with world-class insights which generate tangible and measureable results. Our services include:
- Strategic Change Interventions
- Policies and Procedures
- Mergers and Aquisitions
- Culture Transformation
- Workforce Nationalization
- Education & Training
As part of our consultancy process we use best practice Tools from around the world. Innesskirk consultants are accredited in world leading consultancy products like the tools from Human Synergistics and other management diagnostic and behavioral assessment tools. Uniquely these tools provide a complete integrated diagnostic system.
What makes organizational change happen?
People make the organization. So how do you get people to work toward a better organization? How do you get everybody on the same page, at the same time, moving in the right direction? Whether you are measuring individual, team or organizational effectiveness, the circumplex used in all the instruments provides a common and consistent language for feedback, analysis, and change initiation.
The tools we use are listed below:
- Life Style Inventory™ Self and Others
- LSI Conflict™
- Leadership Impact®
- Acumen Leadership Workstyles™
- Stress Processing Report™
- Management Effectiveness Profile System™
- AMA Disc Survey™
- Management Impact™
- Group Styles Inventory™
- Survival Simulations Series™
- Business Simulation Series™
- Safety Simulation Series™
- The Challenge Simulation Series™
- Acumen Team Workstyles™
- Acumen Team Skills™
- Organizational Culture Inventory®
- Organizational Effectiveness Inventory®
- Cultural Change Situation™
- Corporate Ethics Audit™
- Customer Service Styles™
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